The location of the retreat place (village Gular) is about 30 Km far from Rishikesh. To facilitate a hassle-free transportation on a reasonable price we arrange shared vehicle (mini bus) from Delhi to Gular and back. Since the transport will be shared, the size of the vehicle and the cost per person will be determined only once all the participants confirm about availing this transportation facility.
The participants have to confirm the booking of their seat in the shared vehicle at least two weeks before the beginning of the retreat. The payment towards the share of the transportation cost for both ways will be collected right at the time of departure from Delhi. The shared cost will include the cost of vehicle rental, fuel, tolls, tips and any other related charges. The transportation facility will only be provided to those participants who will be opting for both onward and return journey. Transport facility won’t be possible to be provided to those participants who have not opted for the facility in advance.
Participants can also arrange their own travel to reach the retreat directly as there are Volvo buses running from Delhi to Rishikesh and a taxi can be hired from that point to the location of the retreat.